Bloxd DoodleCube
Bloxd DoodleCube

Bloxd DoodleCube

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Bloxd DoodleCube

Bloxd DoodleCube is a fun building game inspired by the classic Minecraft. Every match will have a randomly picked topic, and you must construct something in accordance with the concept. If the theme is animals, you can make a colossal tiger, a cave, a rainforest, or anything else that comes to mind. All of the participants will have to vote at the end of the game to see who built the best items.

After you've refined your build, you'll be able to view what others have created. Vote on the builds of your opponents, and they will vote on yours. Be truthful and objective in your assessment of what others have come up with. Earn coins for each match and use them to buy more cool-looking items. Have fun!

How to play

WASD to move
Shift or double-tap W to run
C, Z, \, or Caps Lock to crouch
T or Enter to chat
B to open shop
/ to start command

DoodleCube Controls
Place blocks: right mouse button
Destroy placed blocks: left mouse button
Switch blocks: number keys or mouse middle button