Dear Grim Reaper

Dear Grim Reaper

Dear Grim Reaper
Dear Grim Reaper

Dear Grim Reaper

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Dear Grim Reaper

To find out how long you have left to live, you must respond to a series of questions in Dear Grim Reaper. In order to find out how much longer you have till you meet the Grim Reaper, you need to be as truthful as possible in your answers.

How to play

First, you'll need to choose the day, month, and year of your birth. You choose your weight, where you are from in the world, where you live now, and how many hours a day you sleep, since sleep is a good way to tell how long you will live. The Grim Reaper will then need to know what you like to eat and drink; how much, if any, sports you play; how you're feeling right now; if you're stressed; if you're more of an outgoing or quiet person; or even how much hair you have on your head right now. Grim will figure out how much you still have going for you once he knows all of these details about your life. There is no doubt at all that you will still have a lot going for you. There is no doubt about that.