Friday Night Funkin Vs Wilbur Soot
Friday Night Funkin Vs Wilbur Soot

Friday Night Funkin Vs Wilbur Soot

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Friday Night Funkin Vs Wilbur Soot

With a new mod called Friday Night Funkin Vs Wilbur Soot, you'll have the chance to join Boyfriend in a dangerous battle with Wilbur. You have to reach the end of each song by matching their notes correctly. Make sure to be on exact time, not a second early or late. It's your turn !


Week 1:

* losing

* In-Love-With-EGirl



Week 2:




Mod Credit:

Brought to you by Team Modern

Key Authors
EffectsTM: Original Concept, Artist, Musician and Coder.
ItoSaihara: Background Artist, Extra Art (Menu BG, ETC.)
gedehari: Main Coder
Deadskull: Main Musician (First Week)

Special Thanks
KadeDeveloper : Made Kade Engine
dankypoyo : Cool guy for just existing
Protechol: Another cool person for existing
hazel is my name : Made the trailer
sgpt12: (not)Cool person (trolled!)
Discord Channel

Get mod for your fast Desktop PC on GB.

Original FNF Credit:

ninja_muffin99 – Programming
PhantomArcade3k and evilsk8r – ARTISTS
kawaisprite – TASTY MUSIC
Kade Dev – Kade Engine
AND everyone that contributed to the github source.

How to play

WASD or arrow keys to play
+ and - to increase/decrease the volume
0 to mute
Enter to select
ESC to go back