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Horizon opens up a never-ending slide in a tunnel with continuous obstacles. This speed challenge will give players heart-stopping experiences in every moment. You will maneuver a ball that slides at an uncontrollable speed. Rapidly find the way between the tricky blocks. However, to get points, the main entity must collect lightning bolts. This mission is the most important and creates overwhelming difficulty for the game.

To support your goal of achieving impressive scores, occasionally there will be some accessibility features in the tunnel. You can come across shields that can protect the absolute safety of the ball for a short time. Or it can also be an item that helps collect lightning. There are many other interesting things in Horizon waiting for you to explore and experience.

How to Roll the Ball

To control the ball, you use the left and right arrow keys. Since the tunnel does not physically rotate, it can be confusing when the ball is on the ceiling. Don't worry; practice many times to get used to it and conquer impressive scores!

In addition to this game, Horizon 2 will also be a game worth trying next.