Rebel Gamio
Rebel Gamio

Rebel Gamio

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Rebel Gamio

In Rebel Gamio, you compete with other players to be the first to reach the finish line as fast as possible. There are various puzzles and obstacles in order to complete the race.

This platform is full of competitors, and it can be difficult to stay ahead of them. So, you should keep in mind how fast you are running and the obstacles that will likely come your way. Secondly, there's no guarantee that things will end happily for you- everything could go wrong. It is best for you to avoid obstacles that may cause you harm. Moving platforms or hidden handles can be helpful in this respect, since they help move the obstacle out of your way so that you can succeed.

Playing this 3D game can be addicting as it is a challenge that you cannot stop. You will want to continue playing it in order to try and overcome the challenges. The show game-like arena can be difficult, but it is also full of exciting parts.

Rebel Gamio is developed by Functu.

How to play

Use the WASD or arrow keys to move.