Shell Shockers
Shell Shockers

Shell Shockers

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Shell Shockers

The game Shell Shockers is an io-style multiplayer first-person shooter with cute graphics and addicting gameplay. As a player, you will be taken to the battlefield in which enemies are real players from around the world who shoot ferociously at each other in large, smokey environments. It's fast-paced with lots of exciting new experiences waiting just for you.

There are three different eggs that you can play as in Shell Shockers, each with their own weapon and skills. You need to select one before the game starts. Make sure you choose carefully so it will suit your needs for this intense battle ahead. The battle in this game takes place in a 3D environment. This might make you think that it is real, even though the graphics are sophisticated and alive-looking.

Soldier: This egg possesses an eggK-47 gun with a high rate of fire. Its accuracy is also average, but its damage capacity is quite limited. Furthermore, its range is limited, so you should only use it to kill enemies within a short distance.

The Scrambler is a powerful egg with amazing damage to ability and high fire rate. Almost any enemies can be killed in just one shot. The only weak point of this egg is that its accuracy isn't the best.

Free Ranger: This egg owns an assault rifle CSG-1 with absolute damage ability, accuracy, and range. No doubt this is the most powerful egg in this game with the ability to kill any enemies in any range with only one shot - but it has a low fire rate.

How to play

Gamepad is now supported!
WASD to move
Left-click to shoot
E to change weapon
Q to throw a grenade
R to reload
Space to jump
Shift to zoom and aim